Environmental responsibility
Environmental and climate protection are very important to us. For this reason, we attach great importance to resource-saving processes in order to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible. To become more sustainable, we have taken the following measures:
Sustainable packaging
Our seat cushion cartons / HEEL PROTECT® cartons are made of grass paper. This is a fast-growing, sustainable raw material. The grass used for production comes from previously unused green areas, so-called compensatory areas. They are also only mown once at the beginning and once at the end of the year, so that the main vegetation periods of the grasses are not affected.
Water saving:
During the production of grass paper, significantly less water is required than for virgin wood pulp.
CO2 saving:
Grass paper produces significantly lower CO2 emissions than virgin wood pulp.
Minimising the consumption of important resources such as wood.
Grass paper consists of natural fibres, which are biodegradable. The flexo inks used are water-soluble, harmless and can be recycled with the cardboard.
Saving of plastic
The seat cushions and HEEL PROTECT® are also provided with a fresh seal instead of an additional film. In this way we save 6 tons of foil per year.
Since 2012, we generate 250.000 kWh of electricity from solar energy using 4 photovoltaic systems. The produced amount covers about 65% of our own demand. This means that approx. 130 t less CO2 will be emitted into the environment.
Climate-friendly mattresses
Our GREENLINE© mattresses are made of ECOLAST® foam. Compared to conventional decubitus therapy mattresses (standard foam mattresses or alternating pressure mattresses) they have approx. 22%* less CO2 emission.
We want to preserve our natural resources with all these measures in order to live up to our environmental responsibility.
Ernest Hemingway
*Source: Europur-Study 2015